Applications have been extended for the Tasmanian Government’s Multicultural Small Business Grant Program. Minister for Hospitality and Small Business, Jane Howlett, said the grants were supporting ...
The Tasmanian Government is continuing to modernise its health service with a new clinical alerts system now in effect, delivering better, faster and safer outcomes for staff and patients.
The Tasmanian Liberal Government welcomes the Federal Liberal Opposition’s commitment to a new Urgent Care Clinic in Burnie. Minister for Health, Jacquie Petrusma, said an Urgent Care Clinic in Burnie ...
The Tasmanian Liberal Government has extended the Learner Driver Mentor Program (LDMP) by two years, assisting disadvantaged drivers to get a driver licence. LDMP grants provide funding for community ...
The Port of Grassy is critical infrastructure for King Island, facilitating the safe docking of vessels for freight, livestock and expedition cruise ships. Minister for Infrastructure, Kerry Vincent, ...
The new North West Mental Health Precinct will be located to the south of the North West Regional Hospital main entrance, on a greenfield site near the recently constructed Burnie Ambulance Station.
A 10-year strategy for upholding the rights of children by preventing, identifying and responding to child sexual abuse has been released. Change for Children is an enduring strategy that calls for ...
Random acts of kindness have earned Kingston woman Sarah De Jonge the Tasmanian AgriFutures Rural Women’s Award for 2025. Ms De Jonge developed the 1000 Hearts Project, hand stitching 1000 pocket ...
Labor has lost all credibility in their desperate attempts for relevance and a cheap headline. Labor cannot be believed or trusted.
“Under the new system, a new Tourism and Hospitality Event Permit will allow multi-vendor events to operate under a single permit. “That will reduce the burden on individual stallholders and bring ...
Concept designs to improve pedestrian crossing facilities through the Exeter town centre have been released for public feedback. Minister for Infrastructure, Kerry Vincent, said the designs included ...
Work is just days away from beginning on the construction of new, modern student accommodation at TasTAFE’s Burnie campus. Minister for Skills and Training, Felix Ellis, said VOS Construction has been ...