Inspection and Technical Services (ITS) is responsible for Boiler and Pressure Vessel safety in the province of Manitoba. Through physical and remote inspections, we are committed to working with ...
The six standard components of the FWI System provide numerical ratings of relative wildland fire potential. The first three components are fuel moisture codes that follow daily changes in the ...
Manitoba’s Workplace Safety and Health Act and associated regulations are in place to protect the safety and health of workers in Manitoba. View the official versions of The Workplace Safety and ...
The Manitoba Labour Board is an independent and impartial quasi-judicial tribunal that hears cases. A board hearing is not as formal as a court hearing and every effort is made to help the parties ...
The Manitoba government is signatory to numerous settlement agreements relating to the adverse effects of hydroelectric development and self-government agreements. Indigenous Reconciliation and ...
The fall snake viewing season at the Narcisse snake dens is coming to an end. Most of the snakes are now headed underground in their winter habitat. Please check back in early May for updates on the ...
Experience the rich cultural heritage and enjoy the spectacular beauty of our provincial parks. More than four million incredible hectares of land and water set aside in 93 provincial parks protected ...
À qui s’adresse ce guide? Ce guide a été conçu à l’intention des employés de garderies, et des fournisseurs de services de garderies familiales. Il donne des moyens efficaces d’orienter le ...
Pursue your passion on the lakes, rivers, and backcountry areas in Manitoba’s provincial parks. From small and big game to waterfowl and 30 species of fish, we have it all. Check out Travel Manitoba’s ...
The government of Manitoba recognizes and respects the inherent rights of First Nations, Inuit and Métis people to care for their children and families. We acknowledge that families, Nations, and our ...
This section pertains to foster home licensing and licensing appeals. It also covers requirements for transferring licences to another child and family services agency. Subsection 8(1) of The Child ...
Once your application is approved, it will take up to an additional 7-10 business days for mail to reach your residence. If your application is incomplete, you will be contacted. We are not able to ...