On 24 November 2024, the people of Switzerland will vote on the Federal Decree on the 2023 expansion programme for the ...
Bern, 01.10.2024 - On 1 and 2 October, experts from Europe and North America will exchange views on current security policy developments and challenges at the Warsaw Security Forum (WSF). Switzerland ...
Neuchâtel, 01.10.2024 - Services turnover adjusted for working days fell by 1.6% in July 2024 compared with the same month last year. This downward trend was mainly due to "Wholesale and retail trade” ...
Turnover adjusted for sales days and holidays rose in the retail sector by 1.9% in nominal terms in August 2024 compared with the previous year. This was the sharpest increase since June 2024.
For this year's European Cyber Security Month (ECSM), the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) will be raising public awareness of this cyberthreat. The ECSM takes place every October and is ...
Ils 24 da november 2024 vegn la populaziun a votar davart la midada dals 29 da settember 2023 dal Dretg d'obligaziuns (dretg ...
Ils 24 da november 2024 vegn la populaziun a votar davart la Midada da la Lescha federala davart l'assicuranza da malsauns ...
Ils 24 da november 2024 vegn la populaziun a votar davart il conclus federal dals 29 da settember 2023 davart il pass da ...
Berne, 01.10.2024 - Lors du Forum de Varsovie sur la sécurité (Warsaw Security Forum, WSF) les 1er et 2 octobre 2024, des spécialistes d’Europe et d’Amérique du Nord discuteront des développements et ...
Neuchâtel, 01.10.2024 - Après correction de l’effet des jours ouvrables et des jours fériés, les chiffres d’affaires du commerce de détail en Suisse ont augmenté de 1,9% en termes nominaux au mois d'a ...
Neuchâtel, 01.10.2024 - Nel mese di agosto 2024 le cifre d’affari del commercio al dettaglio corrette in base all’effetto dei giorni di vendita e dei giorni festivi sono aumentate dell’1,9% in termini ...
Neuchâtel, 01.10.2024 - Le cifre d’affari dei servizi, aggiustate per gli effetti dei giorni lavorativi, sono diminuite dell’1,6% nel mese di luglio 2024 rispetto allo stesso mese dell’anno precedente ...