Actor Ram Kapoor nostalgically recalled his Kasamh Se shoot in Dubai with the then 17-year-old Prachi Desai. He revealed in an interview that he also served as her legal guardian during the shoot in ...
Ram Kapoor discusses his experience working with a 17-year-old Prachi Desai on Kasamh Se, acknowledging the large age gap but trusting the show's casting. He highlights the demands of being an actor ...
Ektaa Kapoor's popupar show TV show Kasamh Se featured Prachi Desai and Ram Kapoor in lead roles. The show aired from 2006-2008.
Looking to amp up your saree game? Take inspiration from Prachi Desai’s Western statement earrings to add a modern touch to your traditional saree.
The ace footballer and recipient of Padma Shri, Baichung Bhutia danced his way to victory in the third season. The 37-year-old won an amount of Rs 40 lakh, and very graciously shared half ...
Prachi Desai, Zaheer Khan, and Sagarika Ghatge. One of the highlights of Saiyami’s trip was attending the India vs. Australia 3rd Test match at The Gabba. A self-proclaimed cricket enthusiast ...
Prachi Desai, Zaheer Khan, and Sagarika Ghatge. When not at the cricket field, Saiyami was seen enjoying candid moments with her friends and embracing the Aussie wildlife. Her adventures included ...