Businesses and law enforcement want more authority to protect critical infrastructure and attendees of large events from ...
The drones flying over New Jersey may be carrying specialized detection systems for uncovering what may be our next terrorist attack.
A drone armed with a chicken cutlet was among the methods used to rescue a dog from a frozen New Jersey lake on Wednesday.
Luiz Elizondo was testifying before congress when he told a committee that he believed a certain government group was ...
The two orbs did not appear on his plane’s radar nor were their presence communicated to him by air traffic control.
According to the Journal's report, Biden's first called Defense Secretary Lloyd Austinabout the drones on December 12.
Testimony and several reports have exposed unidentified flying object (UFO) sightings across the country amid the national ...
The media has taken up the cause and the story has gone mainstream, with baffled officials furnishing no unified explanation ...
Drone sightings continue across the East Coast, prompting investigations by federal agencies, while both recreational and ...
A viral video of “UFOs” over Maryland is light-years from the truth. It’s an artificial intelligence creation inspired by the ...
Ocean County Sheriff Michael Mastronardy has sent a drone unit out to scout the sky for unidentified aircraft.
It started with a man reporting a light in the sky over New Jersey, and boy did it take off. Was the recent drone craze a paranoid fever dream -- or something more?