The OSIRIS-REx curation team is a winner of the 2024 Gizmodo Science Fair for safeguarding pristine samples of an asteroid ...
New close-up images reveal the surprising snowman shape of "potentially hazardous" asteroid 2024 ON, which tumbled safely ...
A school-bus-sized asteroid is expected to spend about two months orbiting Earth as a "mini moon" as it gets temporarily ...
A nuclear explosion could be the key to deflecting an Earth-bound killer asteroid. The physics involved, however, are far more complex than the Bayhem depicted on screen. That’s according to a team of ...
Radiation from a nuclear explosion can vaporize the surface of an asteroid and change its trajectory, a new study finds.
The experiment recorded in nanosecond detail how a very large pulse of radiation from a nuclear blast could essentially ...
Experiment shows that, in a worst-case scenario, humanity could use a nuclear explosion to save the planet from a deadly ...
The asteroid is around 500 feet and will come within 2 million miles of Earth, which is about eight times further than the ...
“Earth can regularly capture asteroids from the Near-Earth object (NEO) population and pull them into orbit, making them mini ...
Asteroid will come close enough to Earth to temporarily enter its orbit at the end of the month, a phenomenon dubbed as "mini ...
Researchers theorize X-rays from a nuclear explosion could be used to vaporize an asteroid's surface, altering its trajectory ...