The 14th major installment of the Assassin's Creed series is an action role-playing game set in 16th-century Japan that will ...
The Civilization 7 leaders list brings together some of history's most iconic figures, for better or worse, and features ...
When it seemed central Europe would succumb to the terrors of Bolshevism, Ludwig von Mises wrote his classic book, Socialism, ...
Civilization 7 is bringing a brand new roster of Leaders and Civs to the table, and its day-one meta might already have some ...
Firaxis is tearing apart age-old Civilization customs in Civilization 7, and the changes to the Victory Types could usher in ...
Queen of Wa and High Shaman. Meet Himiko in this latest Civilization 7 trailer for the upcoming turn-based strategy game. Sid ...
The Civilization 7 release date is February 11, and it's releasing simultaneously on Windows, Mac, Linux, and consoles with ...
I’ve played a Civilization for the first time, and never has it felt better timed or more necessary than with the new one.
Firaxis has confirmed that Civilization 7 has gone gold ahead of its February release date, but this is probably just the ...
As part of an ongoing promotion for Civilization 7, Intel is bundling CPUs with a free copy of 2K's popular strategy title.
President Trump has not so much hit the ground running as performed an Olympics-level sprint flattening all obstacles. Hardly ...
If you've been waiting for the next installment in Sid Meyers' classic strategy game series, you can get Civilization 7 for ...