While Kansas’ influenza rate is still considered “very high” by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as of Feb ...
The county wants you to know increases in home valuations, from 9% to 35%, do not necessarily mean your taxes will go up. County leaders say this is just the ...
Captain Steve Atkinson was on the Sedgwick County Fire Department District 1's water rescue team as a scuba diver. He retired from the department in 2017.
Here is how property valuation is determined: The assessed value of a home, which is the smaller number on a property ...
Valuation notices land in people’s mailboxes. Sedgwick County sent them out March 1; for homeowners seeing an increase this ...
Tax valuations will increase for 87% of homeowners in Sedgwick County this year. The average median increase for residential properties is 9%. Notices will be mailed out March 1. Last year ...
WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) — Most people in Sedgwick County will likely see their property taxes go up again because the county appraiser says most home and business valuations went up. County ...
WICHITA, Kan. (KWCH) - Expressing urgency, Sedgwick County EMS is requesting to add another fully-equipped ambulance after calls to 911 have increased. The projected cost for the addition to the ...
Sedgwick County announced this week that home valuations ... the annual salary in Kansas needed to afford a median-priced home was just under $56,000. That number grew in January 2025 to more ...
Sedgwick County/Fleming’s Scotty Engle and Merino’s Coen Schmidt can count themselves among the elite. On Saturday night in front of a massive crowd, Engle won his individual crown in the ...
Choosing the best biome for building a castle in Minecraft depends on various factors such as flat terrain, natural defenses, available resources, and aesthetics. Each biome like Plains ...
Biomes are the bread and butter for any non-linear game: from a whimsical forest to arid deserts and a dark dimension, these are practically staples in the open-world genre and give players a wide ...