The Floodgate Effect delves deeper into the dark world of the Gallo Crime Syndicate. Check out our in-depth review.
The weaker half of the original Tomb Raider games, but for the price point, this collection is worth getting just for the ...
Video games as a medium can, at times, tell amazing stories with amazing characters. Part of the joy of gaming is the ...
The Floodgate Effect, Crime Opera Fandisk: The Caterpillar Candids is a series of short stories that take place before, during, and after the events of the first visual novel. Developed by the small ...
The End of Infinity is a weird visual novel that the Nintendo e-Shop somehow described as an "adventure". Is it good?
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Oh, Rugby 25, I had such high hopes for you, which in hindsight, was naive on my part. My history with rugby games stretches all the back to Jonah Lomu Rugby on the PlayStation 1. In the years since, ...