After SARS-CoV-2 infection, prevalent metformin use is associated with a slightly lower incidence of death or postacute sequalae of SARS-CoV-2.
The total number of pediatric inpatient psychiatric beds in the United States did not significantly change from 2017 to 2020.
Paternal HBV infection prior to pregnancy may be associated with increased CHD risk in offspring, according to results of a large matched cohort study.
SGLT2 inhibitors and dulaglutide are associated with comparable risk for dementia; however, it is uncertain whether these findings generalize to newer GLP-1 RAs.
Ingestion of erythritol, but not glucose, is associated with increased platelet reactivity and potential risk for thrombosis in healthy patients.
Peripheral neuropathy and hearing loss are both common in older patients and seem to be independently and additively related to premature mortality.
Past-month prescription amphetamine use is associated with increased odds of psychosis and mania, according to a study.
The employment of telemedicine in the neurologic space may be valid for initial consultation, depending on the clinical scenario.
Gaps in access to care persist for US patients with MS and impact HRQOL to a large extent. Improving access to care for patients with MS should be prioritized.
Higher levels of child tablet use at 3.5 years of age were associated with increased expressions of anger/frustration by 4.5 years of age.
Greater total screen time, social media use, and problematic screen use are associated with eating disorder symptoms in early adolescence.
HIV PrEP medications are usually prescribed by PCPs; however, adherence to PrEP varies by clinician specialty due to the different populations served.